Useful links
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Useful links

Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ) Visit the website

Description of Physiotherapy’s professional range of competence by OPPQ  Visit the website

Prenatal and Young Family Center : Visit the website (438) 288-4448

CSSS Vaudreuil-Soulanges  Visit the website (450) 455-6171

Centre Montérégien de Réadaptation (CMR) Visit the website 450 676-7447

CHU Sainte-Justine Visit the website (514) 345-4931

Montreal Children’s HospitalVisit the website 514 412-4400

Shriners Hospital for Children : Visit the website 514 842-4464

Video of the Federation des cliniques privees de physiotherapie du Quebec (FCPPQ) describing pediatric physiotherapy (French):

Play video

Naître et grandir:  Visit the website Information on the many aspects of cerebral palsy and other birth injury complications.  Visit the website

Laboratoire de Chantal Dumoulin : Information sur l’incontinence urinaire (French)

Visit the website

Organisms for children with physical handicap in Vaudreuil-Soulanges :

La Relâche : Specialized services for disabled children between 4 and 21 years old from Vaudreuil-Soulanges. (Summer day camp, Respite)

401 boul. Harwood, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Qc Facebook

Parents d’Enfants Handicapés avec Difficultés d’Adaptation ou d’Apprentissage (P.E.H.D.A.A.) : Clients: Children living in the territory of Vaudreuil-Soulanges, with or without physical handicap associated with intellectual handicap or autism spectrum disorder, aged 12 years and more. Activities; summer camp; week-end respite; family support; social integration; day care for the 12-21 years old at school.

420, Chicoine, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 7E4,

(450) 424-7505 Facebook

Recommended books :

Conseils d’un physio

Regarde-moi : Le développement neuromoteur de 0 à 15 mois Éditions CHU Ste-Justine

Avant et après bébé : Exercices et conseils Éditions CHU Ste-Justine